Reclaiming India’s leprosy-free status

The Rotary clubs of Hills-Kellyville, NSW, and Allahabad Elite, India, have partnered with The Leprosy Mission Hospital, Naini, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India, to fund a mobile medical clinic for early detection and treatment of leprosy for patients in rural areas of Uttar Pradesh. In 2005, India declared that it had...

Building capacity in Nepal

Having successfully completed a school building project in Timor Leste several years ago, Ian Toohill, of the Rotary Club of Eltham, Vic, was looking for a new international venture. As the club’s international director, Ian approached friend Graeme Kent OAM, CEO of NGO Aussie Action Abroad (AAA). He had been...

Rotary unlocking Africa’s next top coders

Rotary is enabling a ground-breaking social enterprise that trains capable youths from poor backgrounds into world-class software developers. Madagascar doesn’t often feature in the headlines. Many of us will quickly associate it with a series of animated hit movies. Others may recall a biodiversity hotspot containing five per cent of...

A lifeline to Ai-Maulin

A roadway to a remote hillside village in Timor-Leste, funded by Rotarians half a world away, has provided a lifeline for the 500 residents of Ai-Maulin.Until recently, access to the small, remote village of Ai-Maulin, nestled on a hilly slope in the limestone high country of Timor-Leste, was only possible...