Future scientist takes to the world stage

Founded in 1959, the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) aims to give a deeper insight into science and its applications for the benefit of all mankind and to develop a greater understanding between young people of all nations. The two-week residential student program is held annually at Imperial College...

Paying it forward to help businesses in need

These times of uncertainty are impacting many small businesses in ways they never have before. From whole industries forced to close temporarily, to businesses having to adapt their service offerings to meet new regulations, many of the small, local businesses you know and love are likely struggling. But there is...

More than just a grocery run

Just before New Zealand’s lockdown was announced, Paul Conroy and Georgina and Gary Richards, of the Rotary Satellite Club of Orewa-Millwater, responded to a post on the Gulf Harbour Facebook page calling for a meeting to discuss what could be done to support the community in the face of COVID-19....

The World of Rotaract Bar

In these times of lock down and self-isolation, Rotaractors from around the world have found a way to stay connected and engaged via a virtual meeting that’s running 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The World of Rotaract Bar is constantly open via online platform Zoom and provides...