Virtual club changeovers

he Rotary year’s end is fast approaching. Officers-elect are planning their year in office. Serving officers are ready to put their feet up. And everyone is preparing to celebrate a year of hard work with one of our annual ceremonies: The Changeover. Our traditional changeovers, like many things in the...

The Timor-Leste Food Lab

Founded by Australian Rotary Peace Fellow Mark Notaras and wife Alva Lim, the Timor-Leste Food Lab is shaping the future of food and agriculture in the Asia-Pacific by embracing the region’s profound food diversity and bio-cultural history. The Dili-based social enterprise has trained and mentored teams of young Timorese hospitality...

Rotary Peace Fellows Speaker Database

Recognising that Rotary clubs may not be meeting in person for the foreseeable future, the Rotary Peace Fellowship Alumni Association (RPFAA) has created a database of presenters willing to provide interactive talks, webinars and lead virtual town hall discussions for clubs and districts. Approximately 60 Peace Fellows are currently listed...

The Aneityum Project

Liz Webb is a part-time PhD student investigating the impact of naturally occurring fluoride on the oral health of rural children in Vanuatu. With no formal oral health facilities, Liz felt it was vital to provide relief-of-pain tooth treatments to remote communities on her visits to the country. As a...

Shipping containers for bushfire victims

Early in February, a bushfire recovery breakfast was organised by the District 9800 Bushfire Relief Committee at Essendon Fields Hyatt Hotel, Vic. More than 1000 people – 80 per cent of which were non-Rotarians and including 100 students – attended the breakfast to raise funds for bushfire recovery projects in...