A project, a park, a playground, a purpose

The playground will be close to the site of the long-gone Glen’s Ferry, which crossed the Yarra River at this point and gave its name to the area now known as Glenferrie. The site also has considerable significance for the local Indigenous people. The consortium is partnering with the City...

A lifeline to Ai-Maulin

A roadway to a remote hillside village in Timor-Leste, funded by Rotarians half a world away, has provided a lifeline for the 500 residents of Ai-Maulin.Until recently, access to the small, remote village of Ai-Maulin, nestled on a hilly slope in the limestone high country of Timor-Leste, was only possible...

The gift of sanitation

Two years in the making, two remote Philippine villages now have access to toilets, thanks to the combined efforts of several Australian clubs and districts and the Rotary Club of Intramuros, Manila. As you approach the village of Sitio Kawayan, in a mountainous area north of Manila, the first thing...

Ingenuity born out of lockdown

At the height of COVID-19 lockdown measures in New Zealand, necessity and ingenuity bred a solution to a crucial health challenge many countries were experiencing. A low-cost pandemic ventilator was developed by three neighbours – an engineer and two doctors – and is now in demand to help ease the...

Community groups join forces for local food support

The Rotary Club of Preston, Vic, actively supports the community outreach of Bridge Darebin and Reservoir Neighbourhood House (RNH), situated in Melbourne’s northern suburbs. Since March, the two community organisations have not been able to safely deliver their usual weekly food and social support services under the COVID-19 restrictions. Bridge...

Buddying up to save women’s lives in PNG

When the Papua New Guinea Midwives Society (PNGMS) reached out to the Australian College of Midwives to help improve maternal and newborn outcomes in PNG, the Rotary Club of Morialta, SA, saw an opportunity to make a positive difference. More than 80 per cent of people in PNG live in...