Shipping containers for bushfire victims

Early in February, a bushfire recovery breakfast was organised by the District 9800 Bushfire Relief Committee at Essendon Fields Hyatt Hotel, Vic. More than 1000 people – 80 per cent of which were non-Rotarians and including 100 students – attended the breakfast to raise funds for bushfire recovery projects in...

Future scientist takes to the world stage

Founded in 1959, the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) aims to give a deeper insight into science and its applications for the benefit of all mankind and to develop a greater understanding between young people of all nations. The two-week residential student program is held annually at Imperial College...

Paying it forward to help businesses in need

These times of uncertainty are impacting many small businesses in ways they never have before. From whole industries forced to close temporarily, to businesses having to adapt their service offerings to meet new regulations, many of the small, local businesses you know and love are likely struggling. But there is...