Aquaponic farms providing secure food systems

In April 2008, the United Nations established the Food Security Initiative and highlighted the global food crisis to introduce greater food and nutrition security globally, within the broad framework of ‘the right to food’. While in Australia we may view food security as a problem existing ‘elsewhere’, up to 31...

Dismantling disadvantage, one bike at a time

The Yiyili Aboriginal Community School is a low socio-economic school between Fitzroy Crossing and Halls Creek in the Kimberley Region in the north of Western Australia. The Rotary Club of Glenferrie, Vic, was delighted to complete its first Indigenous project in this very remote part of Australia. Vocational training is...

House and home

Remote Indigenous people in Central Australia are up to 30 times more likely to suffer from kidney disease than other Australians. Patients are forced to leave their country and travel to Alice Springs or Darwin, NT, for treatment indefinitely. Communities are left without elder leadership, families are broken, and culture...

Restoring futures for vulnerable whānau

Te Whakaora Tangata is an innovator of parent-focussed whānau (family) restoration programs in South Auckland and, now, thanks to the generous support of The Rotary Club of Onehunga One Tree Hill Charitable Trust, across New Zealand’s Far North. The trust works to restore families desperately in need of a better...

Vale Sir Clem Renouf

Sir Clement William Bailey Renouf AM was born in Ingham, Qld, on April 19, He was one of six children who all spent two years at boarding school in Charters Towers, as there was no high school in Ingham. Sir Clem, who said after graduating from Year 9 “with a...