Better Together

Equality and collaboration will shine bright at the Zone 8 Conference in 2022. Earlier this year, Rotaract Australia sent Zone 8 Rotary International Director Jessie Harman an impressive proposal to co-host the 2022 Zone 8 Conference outlining how the zone could further bring Rotary and Rotaract closer together, fostering stronger...

Steve Widders: The Visionary

Declared medically blind by Fred Hollows in 1990, second-time president of the Rotary Club of Armidale AM, Aboriginal Elder Steve Widders, is championing Rotary’s diversity, equity and inclusion policy. By Amy Fallon Steve Widders first became familiar with Rotary when he was selected for a Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)...

Teach a man to fish

Anne Matthews writes of the importance of empowering communities to alleviate extreme poverty. By Anne MatthewsD9560 Passport Club Today, nearly 800 million people live on less than $1.90 a day. However, this statistic – although alarming – is not as bad as it seems, especially when you consider the progress...

Holocaust survivor honoured by German Government

Long standing member and past president of the Rotary Club of Glen Eira, Vic, Garry Fabian, has been honoured by the German Government with the prestigious Verdiensorden (Order of Merit) of the German Republic in recognition of his service to the citizens of Baden-Wurtenberg. Minister-President of Baden-Wurtenberg Herr Winifried Kretchmann...

In’CIDER’ Trading: The Rotary Connection

October 4-10 marks Reconnect Week, when Rotary invites former Rotary Peace Fellows, Rotary Scholars, Rotaractors, Interactors, Rotary Youth Exchange participants, and other program alumni to renew their connection with Rotary. Here, we chat with Tasmanian cidermaker Mark Robertson, whose Group Study Exchange to France some 12 years ago has helped...