In a Rotaract-led initiative, Tasmanian Rotary & Rotaract Against Plastic (TRRAP) has set itself the ambitious goal of being 100 per cent single-use plastic free by 2022.
Australia’s island state of Tasmania is renowned for its clean, green image. To further support this iconic brand, Tasmania’s Rotary and Rotaract clubs have launched an initiative to phase out single-use plastics in all activities by July 1, 2022. This includes functions, events, fundraisers and meetings of all shapes and sizes – from the Southern Hemisphere’s largest craft fair held annually at Deloraine to grassroots level sausage sizzles.
Immediate Past District Governor Michael Cooke saw the opportunity to create a project that reduced the use of disposal plastic, while also attracting younger members to Rotary to support a cause that inspired them for the long-term.
“I am aware that to attract young people to a humanitarian cause is easy, as they are very aware of suffering across the world; the problem is keeping them focused on a project,” Michael said.
“They do want to help and they do care. The numbers are out there to join a truly worthwhile cause if one is on offer.