Community garden addressing food security in the Philippines

Due to the support of the Rotary Club of Hobart, Tas, and a grant from District 9830, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group has created
four picture guides for program partner the Muravah Foundation in the Philippines.

Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) was initiated by the Rotary Club of Devonport North, Tas, to create awareness of the edible plant database developed by Food Plants International, and its potential in addressing malnutrition and food security in any country of the world.
In June 2007, FPS was established as a project of District 9830, the Rotary Club of Devonport North and Food Plants International.

The primary objective of the project is to increase awareness and understanding of the vast food resource that exists in the form of local plants, well adapted to the prevailing conditions where they naturally occur, and how this resource may be used to address hunger, malnutrition and food security.