During the devastating bushfires in Gippsland over the summer of 2019-20, 15 million hectares of vegetation was burnt. This had an extensive impact on the unique Gippsland environment. Following the bushfires, a casual conversation between the incoming presidents of the Rotary Clubs of Bendigo South and Bairnsdale Sunrise turned into...
Kyebe Maternity Clinic
The renovation and re-establishment of the Kyebe Maternity Clinic is a project of the Rotary Club of Albert Park. The clinic is located in the Kyebe Sub-County, Kyotera District, Uganda, and is approximately 180km south of Kampala, the capital of Uganda. The facility was established in the 1950s to meet...
Mock Job Interview Program
The Mock Job Interview Program is an initiative of the Rotary Club of Richmond. The project, organised in partnership with Melbourne Girls' College, has been running for around 20 years. The object is to prepare students for successful careers by teaching them how to secure a job interview and how...
From Tiny Seeds Mighty Trees Grow
From Tiny Seeds Mighty Trees Grow is a district award-winning project of the Rotary Club of Balwyn. Following the devastating bushfires in the summer of 2020, which destroyed so much of East Gippsland’s vegetation and bushland, many club members volunteered to germinate seeds. The seedlings were carefully nurtured, with some...
Working with SecondBite to reduce food waste and end hunger is a project of the Rotary Club of Melbourne. Club members collect leftover food from the Prahran Market and deliver it to SecondBite, where it is turned into nutritious meals and redistributed to families in crisis, the elderly, those on...
Grow My Club
Grow My Club (growmyclub.org) is a district initiative that recognises diversity in communities and is designed to provide a platform where members can build their own capabilities rather than having a one size fits all model. The 2022-23 program is designed to build the capacity of clubs to grow service,...