Bushfire Recovery

During the devastating bushfires in Gippsland over the summer of 2019-20, 15 million hectares of vegetation was burnt. This had an extensive impact on the unique Gippsland environment.

Following the bushfires, a casual conversation between the incoming presidents of the Rotary Clubs of Bendigo South and Bairnsdale Sunrise turned into a large-scale project between clubs. Since that conversation the Rotary Club of Bendigo South has been working in conjunction with many other Rotary clubs from various districts to undertake an environmental project aimed at replanting native vegetation destroyed by the fires.

“In July and August 2021, members of Bendigo South together with the nearby Rotary Club of Rochester worked with local farmers and Rotary clubs to plant 1,500 trees, which will provide shade in wildlife corridors and shelter belts.”

Clubs obtained items such as greenhouses, tubes and tree guards in order to propagate native plants. Numerous working bees were held to prepare the plants to a stage where they could be planted. In July and August 2021, members of Bendigo South together with the nearby Rotary Club of Rochester worked with local farmers and Rotary clubs to plant 1,500 trees, which will provide shade in wildlife corridors and shelter belts. The project enabled fellowship with members of other Rotary clubs and farmers, who appreciated sharing their stories as they worked beside caring Rotarians.

This native revegetation project has been a practical hands-on project with an environmental theme and the results will be seen for many years to come. For its work on this project, the Rotary Club of Bendigo South received a district award for actions to promote Rotary’s environmental Avenue of Service.