Behind the Shed Door

All over Christchurch, NZ, in sheds of every shape and size, there are committed enthusiasts doing the things they love: from rebuilding vintage cars to growing vegies, from painting and wood turning to soap making and motorbike collecting. In November 2023, the Rotary Passport Club of Ōtautahi organised the first...

Shouting it from the hilltops

By Amy Fallon Mark Balla, also known as ‘The Toilet Warrior’, has used his work to dramatically change the lives of thousands of schoolgirls and their communities around the world to promote Rotary. Mark discovered the challenges confronting teenage girls in India who had no school toilets on a 2012...

Discover Rotary

For the past 36 years, the Rotary Club of North Perth, WA, has run its Hyde Park Festival in iconic Hyde Park on the outskirts of Perth's CBD. Held annually on the Sunday and Monday of the Labour Day long weekend, the family friendly event offers many attractions across the...

The power of video

By Adam Reibel Working with the Zone 8 Public Image and District 9830 teams has shown me the extent and impact of volunteering in Rotary clubs. Over the past four years, I have made 12 films showing the reach and action that Rotary has in our local communities and its...

Every picture tells a story

By Amy Fallon Rotary in Tasmania has embraced the use of drone photography to shine a light on major club fundraising events. The Devonport Motor Show, held in Tasmania’s stunning Aikenhead Point, is a major annual drawcard for the Rotary Club of Devonport North, attracting around 600 display vehicles and...

A fun link to our communities

Botanical Bazaar The Botanical Bazaar is the Rotary Club of Gold Coast’s major fundraiser, but it is also a high-profile community event that enhances Rotary’s public image by promoting environmental sustainability, providing exposure for local suppliers and community groups, and creating a unique and relaxing environment among the community gardens,...