Books and Bandicoot Burrows

When considering ideas for the Rotary Club of Tamar Sunrise’s Rotary Expo display, the small committee challenged members to come up with some unique ideas to showcase the club and its projects. From an initial idea to feature the club’s Books for Kinder Program by displaying children’s books and performing...

Ocean adventures for youth

Jervis Bay Marine Park on the South Coast of NSW covers 215 square kilometres and contains over 100 kilometres of coastline. The park’s spectacular 100-meter cliffs and waterfalls provided the backdrop for the Rotary Club of Nowra’s recent youth program fundraiser. Sightseeing, snorkelling and scuba diving tours around the bay...

Seeing things through Indigenous eyes

In 2022, the Rotary Club of Moonah decided it was time we corrected our own ignorance about the colonisation of Australia and the impact this had and still has on Aboriginal people. Members decided to host a NAIDOC week event to show their respect for and support of the Tasmanian...

NZ and the Pacific Islands celebrate Women in Rotary

By Jenn WongDistrict Governor Nominee, D9910 In celebration of International Women’s Day, March 8, 2023, District 9910 hosted three ‘Women in Rotary’ events promoting and celebrating women in their communities. The first event, held in Auckland, NZ, was held at Wynyard Pavilion and saw more than 100 ladies attend. This...

Volunteering at Melbourne Rotary International Convention

Arriving in Melbourne for the first time is an exciting experience, but arriving to attend a Rotary International Convention is awesome! This will be a reality for over 12,000 Rotarians, Rotaractors, their families and friends this month. Imagine playing a significant role in helping our visitors maintain this level of...

Courageous Rotarians drive ambulances into Ukraine

By PDG Martin GarciaDistrict 9940 Foundation Chair While New Zealand Rotarians on the North Island battled unprecedented rainfall and flooding during this year's summer, Rotary colleagues in Finland were on a courageous mission in the middle of their winter. The North Islanders nervously followed the journey of their fellow Rotarians...