100,000 FORaMEALS delivered locally

As an initiative of the Rotary Club of Canterbury, Vic, the FORaMEAL project was initially designed to help those across the Asia Pacific region, an area prone to many natural disasters annually. The idea was to create simple meal packs that could be stored on location and distributed immediately after...

Shining the solar light in PNG

We take for granted the capacity to turn on a light, the expectation that our babies will be delivered in a well-lit, clean room, that our children have the ability to study and work at night (or in the day) under decent lighting. But this is far from the truth...

Give a woman a fish – to smoke!

COVID-19 has struck hard for the many women in Uganda, who survive by market trading fruit, vegetables and fish. The markets have been closed to combat the pandemic, and the small incomes that sustained families have been lost. Ugandan Rotary Peace Fellow Emily Nabakooza is working hard to help provide...

Chickens for Change

The Rotary Club of Brisbane, Qld, has been supporting food and nutrition security in Papua New Guinea since 2018 through its partnership with the Kyeema Foundation, a Brisbane-based not-for-profit organisation implementing coral reef conservation and indigenous chicken keeping as alternative food and livelihood activities. So, why indigenous chickens? A good...

100 heart surgeries for 100 years of service

Rotary ‘Downunder’ isn’t the only one celebrating 100 years of doing good in 2021… Rotary in India will also commemorate its centenary, and the Rotary Clubs of Morley, WA, and Bangalore, India, have teamed up to mark the special occasion. The legacy international project 100 Heart Surgeries will see the...