FORaMEAL is a project of the Rotary Club of Canterbury. The club has partnered with not-for-profit organisation Multicultural Australians Transforming and Engaging Society (M.A.T.E.S. for Change), which equips and challenges young multicultural Australians to participate in the social purpose sector. FORaMEAL provides emergency relief meals for those impacted by natural...

Bushfire Recovery

During the devastating bushfires in Gippsland over the summer of 2019-20, 15 million hectares of vegetation was burnt. This had an extensive impact on the unique Gippsland environment. Following the bushfires, a casual conversation between the incoming presidents of the Rotary Clubs of Bendigo South and Bairnsdale Sunrise turned into...

Mock Job Interview Program

The Mock Job Interview Program is an initiative of the Rotary Club of Richmond. The project, organised in partnership with Melbourne Girls' College, has been running for around 20 years. The object is to prepare students for successful careers by teaching them how to secure a job interview and how...

All aboard to End Polio Now

After two previous cancellations, on Friday, November 11, Rotarians around Auckland took part in a Polio All Transit Day, which raises awareness for the End Polio Now campaign. This is the third year that Rotarians have flooded the Auckland city rail and ferry network with a sea of red End...