Keeping clubs calm

Sometimes the peace Rotarians seek to make is a local matter. Very local. By Frank Bures Jean Best was about to resign from Rotary. It was a sad day for her; she loved being a Rotarian. But she had become enmeshed in a conflict with another member of her club....

A peacebuilder for Somali refugees

By Amy Fallon Volunteering isn’t that common in Ahmed Tohow’s homeland. A Somali refugee, he lived through a deadly civil war and famine that killed hundreds of thousands of people. But Ahmed, the first African to receive the Rotary Club of Melbourne’s Senior’s Award for 2020-21, has certainly done plenty...

Building peace, club by club

By Gabe HauD9800 PeacebuildingCommittee Chair Institute for Economics and Peace Ambassador Why Peace?During Past Rotary International President Ian Riseley’s term in office, a number of peace summits were held around the world. The last one was the Toronto Peace Summit, held just before the 2018 Toronto Convention. It was around...

The pilots of Peace

Chair of the Rotary Action Group for Peace, District Governor Alison Sutherland, says it is a privilege to see the group grow as it strives to advance peace in an ever-changing world. he Rotary Action Group for Peace was founded approximately 12 years ago, making slow and steady progress towards...