District Governor Partner’s Project

Heather Mayne chose Youth Insearch as her DG partner’s project. Youth Insearch is one of Australia’s most successful youth intervention programs, having helped more than 32,000 young people rebuild their lives since 1985. It is a peer-to-peer program led by youth, with the support of adults and mental health professionals....

Rotary unites for Ukraine

At the time of writing, it was Day 30 of Ukraine’s heroic resistance to a full-scale Russian invasion. A total of 977 civilian deaths (as of March 24), including 81 children, have been verified by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and an estimated...

Hurt together, heal together

Throughout late February and early March, unprecedented rainfall battered the east coast of Australia, resulting in one of the worst flooding disasters in the region’s history. From Maryborough, Qld, in the north to Camden, NSW, in the south, more than 25,000 homes and businesses were damaged, and 22 lives were...

Looking back at Pakistan’s polio journey

With the exciting announcement in January that Pakistan was 12 months wild poliovirus free, editor of India’s regional Rotary magazine, Rasheeda Bhagat, speaks with TRF Trustee and Pakistan National PolioPlus Committee Chair Aziz Memon, as well as four regional polio chairs, about the challenges they’ve faced and what this milestone...