A truck in time

A $10,000 donation to Kiwi Community Assistance by the Rotary Club of Wellington North, NZ, has facilitated the purchase of a refurbished chiller truck to help the local charity in its work with communities in need.

Founded by Tracy Wellington and her husband Phil Davies, Kiwi Community Assistance is a ‘foodbank with a difference’, distributing not just food parcels, but clothes, appliances, blankets and kitchenware, all donated by individuals, businesses and community groups.

The truck, which can carry two tons of stock and volunteers for a range of tasks, such as sorting out donated goods and making up consignments, prominently displays the Rotary Club of Wellington North’s logo, along with the ANZ Bank logo, which generously donated the extra $20,000 for the truck’s purchase.

With the onslaught of COVID-19, the truck has come into its own, with KCA proving busier than ever.