NZ and the Pacific Islands celebrate Women in Rotary

By Jenn Wong
District Governor Nominee, D9910

In celebration of International Women’s Day, March 8, 2023, District 9910 hosted three ‘Women in Rotary’ events promoting and celebrating women in their communities.

The first event, held in Auckland, NZ, was held at Wynyard Pavilion and saw more than 100 ladies attend. This was a lively brunch with a mix of ages, including some Rotary Alumni and six Interact students sponsored by the Rotary Club of Westhaven, NZ. Ladies from neighbouring District 9920 also attended and it was great to have their support. The breakfast’s theme of ‘Celebrating Women’ was also a collaboration with Breast Cancer Foundation NZ, where the profits of $1,500 were donated as a fundraiser to this worthy organisation.

PICTURED: Deputy Leader of the Opposition Nicola Willis, fourth from right, with ladies from the Rotary Club of Waitakere, who celebrated International Women’s Day at a lively brunch at Wynyard Pavilion, Auckland, attended by more than 100 women.

The Auckland brunch had guest speaker Nicola Willis, Deputy Leader of the Opposition (and honorary Rotarian) travel from Wellington to inspire the audience. Nicola’s remit was simple, talk about your experiences and journey to becoming a woman in leadership (and no politics please!). This was inspiring and empowering, with many women taking many of her comments to heart including:

  • “People see more potential in you than you see in yourself – back yourself!”
  • “Men will apply for a job even if they only have 50 per cent of the skills, whereas women won’t apply for a job because they think they only have 50 per cent of the skills.”
  • “Juggling a career and motherhood isn’t easy but the majority of men will support you in this exciting endeavour.”
  • “Having a team around you will always help you achieve all your dreams.”

Further North within the District, the Rotary Club of Whangarei South, NZ, hosted a smaller breakfast inviting Rotarians and non-Rotarians, building on the regular Women in Rotary dinners that the club hosts each month. The chatter was non-stop, with Past District Governor (and first female District Governor for D9910) Sandra McKersey as the guest speaker. A massive thank you to Jenni Moore for her expertise in organising this outstanding event.

Slightly across the Pacific in the beautiful country of New Caledonia, Past District Governor Elaine Mead celebrated women in the community by hosting a ‘Soiree Femmes Rotariennes’ in Nouméa, with the majority of female Rotarians from all three clubs in New Caledonia – Nouméa, Nouméa Ouen Toro and Nouméa Ducos Boulari – attending.

Two of the women present, Mireille Hugeaud and Luce Lorenzi, are foundation members of the first Rotary club in New Caledonia to have women members, the Rotary Club of Nouméa Ouen Toro.

A special guest was New Zealand Consul-General Felicity Roxburgh, who enjoyed speaking with the ladies and talking about opportunities and resources from the Consulate that can help Rotary with its important work.

All the ladies thoroughly enjoyed the soiree and look to repeating it in future.

All three events were a great opportunity to promote Rotary and to celebrate women in our incredible organisation and communities.