Every picture tells a story

By Amy Fallon

Rotary in Tasmania has embraced the use of drone photography to shine a light on major club fundraising events.

The Devonport Motor Show, held in Tasmania’s stunning Aikenhead Point, is a major annual drawcard for the Rotary Club of Devonport North, attracting around 600 display vehicles and 6,000 people every March and bringing in more than $50,000 in donations. But promoting this wouldn’t be possible without talented member Ian Macleod, who is now taking advantage of drone photography to encapsulate the essence of the club’s events.

“Capturing images from the ground of course works well for many situations,” says Ian. “However, being able to get the bigger picture or different angles and compositions only achievable from the air is a great tool. I really enjoy being able to generate different images from a range of different angles.”

The Rotary Club of Devonport North is an early adopter of this technology in their storytelling and promotional materials within Rotary.

Besides the Motor Show, which has provided the setting for the cover photo that Ian has used on a club calendar in the past, he also uses drones to cover the Breakfast in the Park event, held on the Mersey River foreshore every Christmas Eve, and Devonport’s annual golf day in support of prostate cancer research. Ian has also employed drone technology to showcase images of and promote the Home Hill Fete, which takes place in the grounds of the National Trust former home of former prime minister Joseph Lyons, and the Windeward Bound, used for youth sail training in Rotary programs.

“The saying every picture tells a story is certainly evident in Ian’s work and is of great benefit to the club,” says Past District Governor Bruce Buxton.

“The Rotary Club of Devonport North is lucky to have such a talented and skilled photographer as a member. His work showcases the club’s events and is of great benefit in promotion and publicity, particularly big public events like the annual Breakfast in the Park at Christmas time and the SeaRoads Devonport Motor Show.”

The Rotary Club of Smithton in Tasmania has also been using drones to photograph major community event for years.

Rotary in Tasmania encourages other districts to invite drone photographers to join their clubs or employ drone photographers to help promote their events. RDU

MAIN PICTURE: Rotary Club of Devonport North member Ian Macleod is embracing the use of drone photography to lend a new perspective to Rotary service in Tasmania, including the Windeward Bound youth sail training program.