Heather Mayne chose Youth Insearch as her DG partner’s project. Youth Insearch is one of Australia’s most successful youth intervention programs, having helped more than 32,000 young people rebuild their lives since 1985. It is a peer-to-peer program led by youth, with the support of adults and mental health professionals.
“Suicide is the biggest killer of young Australians aged 15-24.Youth Insearch empowers and equips youth to reach their full potential.”
Youth Insearch empowers and equips youth aged 14 to 20 to reach their full potential by addressing childhood trauma, breaking negative cycles, building self-worth, and sharing lived experience.
It is an independent charitable organisation that is not affiliated with any religious or political organisation. Currently, they assist around 1,000 young people per year across New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.

Heather’s goals for this project are to make sure every Rotarian is aware of the Youth Insearch program and its significant impact on young lives. She also hopes each club will reachout and connect with services in their own community that work to assist youth, as suicide is the biggest killer of young Australians aged 15-24.
Heather asked that clubs connect with their local youth service organisations and get a representative to fill a guest speaker spot or arrange a vocational visit to their premises. She hopes that by reaching out to these local services and learning more about Youth Insearch, new connections will be formed and exciting new opportunities will develop for all clubs in the district.