Over the weekend of March 14-15, a work party of 15 members and friends of the Rotary Club of Glenferrie, Vic, travelled to Sarsfield in East Gippsland to assist clean-up operations following the devastating New Year bushfires.
Club president Thelma Hutchison, a former member of the Rotary Club of Bairnsdale Sunrise with local knowledge of the area, liaised with Bernie Farquhar from the Rotary Club of Mitchell River and the East Gippsland Rotary Fire Aid (EGRFA) Committee to plan the working bees, while community service director Don Heath organised volunteers.
Members of the Rotary Club of Mitchell River have been dedicating every weekend to bushfire clean-up relief, so the Glenferrie group also offered to help the club manage the car parking and barbecue at the annual Opera by the Lakes at Nyerimilang Heritage Park on the Sunday.