In the minds of most, the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is intractable at best, or hopeless at worst. The list of eminent statesmen, presidents and peace envoys who have applied their well-honed skills to the task of conflict resolution is long and impressive. Peacemaking is challenging at the...
A new weapon in the fight against polio
A modified vaccine offers hope that eradication is closer than ever. By Jason Keyser n mid-2017, two groups of 15 strangers lived together for 28 days each in a ring of shipping containers assembled in the parking lot of Antwerp University Hospital in Belgium. They had access to books and...
Te Tai Tokerau Tamariki Mental Health and Wellbeing Project
Rotary is tackling the impending mental health crisis in Northern New Zealand with an innovative early intervention program for primary and intermediate aged school children. Rotarians in District 9910 are responding to calls for help from teachers and principals at schools across the northern part of New Zealand in what...
Rotary’s ‘Down Under’ Centenary project
Most Rotarians will be familiar with Rotary Give Every Child a Future (RGECAF), with almost every district across Australia and New Zealand, and many clubs and individuals, supporting the project. Support has also come from districts and clubs in other parts of the world. RGECAF is Rotary’s ‘Down Under’ Centenary...
Recognising a woman’s worth
Programs of Scale grant winner Together for Healthy Families in Nigeria helps families by focusing on the fundamental needs of women. By Diana Schoberg In March 1994, at the Anaheim Hilton and Towers, US, Emmanuel Adedolapo Lufadeju and Robert Zinser struck up a conversation. The two men were district governors-elect,...
Never too early to do good
Chartered in April 2022, the EarlyAct Club of Forrest Primary School, ACT, has wasted no time in ‘doing good’ in the community. The club’s first event, Big Action Week, was held in July and certainly lived up to its name. Showcasing ‘Diversity in Action’ throughout the week through music, language,...