Into the Wild

Frankston Rotarians are proudly supporting Wild Deserts, a conservation project reintroducing extinct species to the Sturt Desert. By Lee Anne SmithRotary Club of Frankston, Vic The Rotary Club of Frankston has had a long record of offering practical assistance for conservation projects located in isolated parts of the country. First,...

A mobile health clinic for Sarada Medical Centre

A chance conversation between President-elect of the Rotary Club of Nadi, Fiji, Krupesh Patel, and then District Governor-elect Ingrid Waugh, led to the establishment of a project and ongoing relationship with the Sarada Medical Centre and Ramakrishna Mission in Fiji. Ramakrishna Mission (RKM) is a worldwide organisation that primarily focuses...

Handbags to Help Heal

Past District Governor Leanne Jaggs, of the Rotary Club of Manukau Sunrise Inc., grabbed the Handbags to Heal idea after reading an article in Rotary Down Under about a club undertaking a similar project. Leanne thought it was a great idea her club could try as a new project. After...