Rotary unites for Ukraine

At the time of writing, it was Day 30 of Ukraine’s heroic resistance to a full-scale Russian invasion. A total of 977 civilian deaths (as of March 24), including 81 children, have been verified by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and an estimated...

Waikerie Rotary Cliff Top Walk

When a club wins a $356,000 grant from the Murray Darling Basin Authority to repair, replace and refurbish its Cliff Top Walk, it knows it has long-term credibility for doing good in its community. The Cliff Top Walk project was started in 1988 by the Rotary Club of Waikerie and...

Taking Rotary to the Outback

If you wanted to charter a Rotary club in some remote areas of the Australian Outback, you would need to induct kangaroos and emus to make up the numbers. The sparse Outback towns don’t have enough interested people to even form a viable satellite club unless they combined with others...

Sailing challenge reaches new heights

Climbing 27 metres up rigging, above a heaving sea, to unfurl or reef a sail for the first time, with a team of other first-time sailors, is one of the key challenges of sailing a square-rigged ship. This is usually made worse by the inevitable sea sickness in the first...

A celebration of culture

With 73 members, the multi-award-winning Adelaide University Rotaract Club (AURC) is the largest Rotaract club in Australia and Zone 8. Because of its location, membership retention is always an issue as graduating members need to be replaced each year. Despite this, the club has been capable of incredible efforts. It...