Jennie Herring

Jennie Herring took on the role of Endowment and Major Gifts Advisor for Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands in December 2022. Based in New Zealand, Jennie is well-known throughout the zone. Jennie has held numerous positions at club, district and national level, including District 9920 Governor (2015-16), Assistant...

Maurie Stack

When it comes to The Rotary Foundation Down Under, Maurie's the man! Since joining the Rotary Club of Taree on Manning, NSW, in 2000, Maurie has served as club President, District Governor, and is currently Chair of The Rotary Foundation Australia, Chair of the Election Review Committee of Rotary International...

Murray Verso

After taking on the role of End Polio Now Coordinator in July 2022, PDG Murray Verso has campaigned tirelessly to encourage every club and individual Rotarian in Zone 8 to contribute to the End Polio Now campaign. “With the eradication of poliomyelitis now in sight, I want every club and...

Fighting cervical cancer in Egypt

The Rotary-led initiative ‘United to End Cervical Cancer in Egypt’ aims to reduce cervical cancer cases and enhance women’s health in Egypt through targeted awareness-raising and improved access to preventative care. By Etelka Lehoczky United to End Cervical Cancer in Egypt is the recipient of Rotary’s third annual Programs of...

A Safe Space for Children to Play

With the aid of a district grant and a community-minded business, the Rotary Club of Cairns Trinity, Qld, has helped provide a safe play area at the Cairns Toy Library. By Merewyn WrightDistrict Public Image ChairRotary Club of AirlieBeach, Qld hen the Cairns Toy Library moved to a new location...