Recognising a woman’s worth

Programs of Scale grant winner Together for Healthy Families in Nigeria helps families by focusing on the fundamental needs of women. By Diana Schoberg In March 1994, at the Anaheim Hilton and Towers, US, Emmanuel Adedolapo Lufadeju and Robert Zinser struck up a conversation. The two men were district governors-elect,...

Get involved in building peace

For several years, Rotary has had a global partnership with the Sydney-based Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP). Peace is a complex issue, but IEP’s approach is to bring clarity by measuring the eight key pillars of peace. This research then forms the basis for Positive Peace programs in which...

The Rotary Success Cycle

By Rob ByrneSenior coordinator, The Rotary Foundation When a club delivers real humanitarian impact through great service projects the club becomes much stronger as a result. What’s not always apparent is the role The Rotary Foundation plays in enabling club members to deliver projects that truly make a difference in...

Meet Emily

Emily Nabakooza is a recent UQ Peace Fellow graduate who is using her fellowship knowledge and leadership skills to improve conditions for women and girls in Uganda. Emily graduated from UQ in 2019 and founded Assisi Centre for Social Justice and Peace in Uganda. Assisi Centre focuses on youth-oriented social...

Kijiji Mission

Photos: @euvouepronto A project of the Springs of Hope Foundation, the Kijiji Mission is supported by the Rotary Club of Brisbane Mid-City. The Mission is located in Nakaru, Kenya, and is committed to empowering Kenya’s growing number of young, single mothers, who have some basic education skills, by teaching them...

The skinks have arrived

When it comes to conservation, even the little guys – like New Zealand’s native copper skink – deserve a helping hand in order to thrive. Fourteen native copper skinks, or mokomoko, were recently rescued from a housing development site in Te Awamutu – a town in the Waikato region in...