Engaging members to serve during social distancing

COVID-19 has turned our world upside down and changed life as we know it for the foreseeable future. Social distancing has impacted our ability to meet, fundraise and conduct service projects in the ways we traditionally know and enjoy, yet the consequences of COVID-19 also mean that our communities need Rotary now more than ever. So, the question stands, how do we engage our members to continue to serve during social distancing?

Engaging members remotely

Our club meetings provide us with many valuable components that make up Rotary: fellowship, leadership development, inspiration and learning (the latter two usually achieved through the means of a guest speaker). Many clubs are shifting their traditional weekly meetings online to platforms like Zoom, while others are leveraging social media by creating Facebook or WhatsApp groups and are realising the benefits of being able to connect in real time.

The key to effectively transitioning online is to first understand what is most important to the members of your club. If it’s the consistency of a weekly club meeting, then shifting your traditional club meeting online makes sense. If it’s more the social element, then instead of a full club meeting consider an online happy hour or setting up a coffee with a Rotarian program, where members are paired up and enjoy a virtual coffee together at a time that suits them.