Best-ever Wānaka Book Sale

This year’s Rotary Club of Wānaka, NZ, annual book sale, held at the Lake Wānaka Centre was a “huge success” according to organisers.

Funds raised were up 40 per cent on 2023, with club spokesperson and organiser Geoff McLeay saying sales grossed $19,000.

“The result was far beyond our expectations,” Geoff said. “Thanks to what we had in storage and donations by the community we took around 16,000 books to the sale.”

Geoff said the club has been listening to feedback from the community and making the sale better every year by improving the presentation, providing more buyer assistance, and making the layout easier to browse.

He said some small price increases helped, as did the addition of jigsaws for the first time.

“Jigsaws were a huge success, very popular,” Geoff said. “People loved them, we sold out within two hours.”

All funds raised from the book sale will help the Rotary Club of Wānaka support worthwhile projects and causes.

“This is a great result and will really help us support organisations and individuals that need some assistance,” Rotary Club of Wānaka President Alan Richardson said.

“Our club members put in a lot of effort to make the book sale wonderful and I can’t thank them enough.”

Alan said the club is already planning for next year’s sale, which will be held in the July school holidays. “It’s a great time to run it,” Alan said.

MAIN PICTURE: Myrten Hawkins has her arms full at the Rotary Club of Wānaka Book Sale.