How can I promote my club’s projects?

Including a public relations component in your project plan can help attract the media attention and support your club’s projects and events deserve. Follow these steps for success.

Know your local media
Before sending stories to a journalist, read your local newspaper, listen to the evening news, and follow journalists and news organisations on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) to identify where a Rotary story might fit. Then:

  • Create a media list and keep it current.
  • Develop a relationship with a reporter and stay in contact so they’ll remember you.
  • Consider inviting a local journalist to come to a club meeting or join a service project.
  • Write a press release that journalists want to read: Share news about your club projects, fundraising events, or the arrival of Youth Exchange students with a press release. Your press release should:
  • Include a persuasive reason – a ‘news hook’ – for the media to pursue the story.
  • Answer the Five W’s: Who, What, Where, When and Why.
  • List a club member who will respond to media inquiries.
  • Include visuals when you send the release to TV stations.
  • Be concise: Limit the press release to one page and paste it into the body of your email rather than sending it as an attachment.

“With so much negativity being spread across the globe, Rotary’s sharing of uplifting and positive stories provides great fulfilment and continues to be of significant public interest.”

Don’t forget to share and follow up:

  • Post news coverage of your events and projects on your club website and social media outlets.
  • Keep track of your public relations efforts by watching for Rotary-related stories in the news outlets you’ve contacted.