Rotary’s global response to Vanuatu earthquake

By Anke Timm
Philanthropy Supervisor
The Rotary Foundation, South Pacific & Philippines

Rotary members across the globe have mobilised to help the people of Vanuatu following the magnitude 7.3 earthquake in December.

On December 17, 2024, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck Vanuatu, followed by multiple powerful aftershocks. The devastating disaster caused a significant number of fatalities and injuries, displaced thousands of people, and caused major damage to vital infrastructure including roads, telecommunications and health. Critical assistance was required immediately.

Fortunately, Rotary members leapt into action!

Vanuatu is part of District 9910, so District Governor Jennifer Wong joined forces with The Rotary Foundation team at Rotary International’s Sydney office to promote the district’s designated disaster fund to Rotary members across our region. The appeal was issued on December 19, 2024.

Rotary Foundation Trustee Dennis Shore supported and co-signed the appeal that also highlighted the opportunity to give to The Rotary Foundation’s global Disaster Response Fund.

Members, clubs and districts responded to the call out immediately. To date, it is estimated that a combined total of more than AU$200,000 was raised across all fundraising. This is an extraordinary result!

The coordinated effort to promote the various ways in which to give to the emergency response highlighted that individual Rotary members, clubs and districts have different preferences, passions and tax deductibility needs.

PICTURED: The first priority project in the Vanuatu earthquake disaster response – restoring access to clean water in two villages home to approximately 10,000 people – has already been successfully completed, marking a first significant milestone in the recovery efforts.

Amongst donations to the global Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Fund were 69 donors who chose to contribute to the fund for the first time. Clubs and districts made cash and District Designated Fund contributions through The Rotary Foundation channels, and via a Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) project.

These generous donations flowed to essential water, sanitation and hygiene projects, ensuring that affected communities regained access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities.

In fact, the first priority project – restoring access to clean water in two villages home to approximately 10,000 people – has already been successfully completed, marking a first significant milestone in the recovery efforts.

The cost of providing such critical assistance to the villages of Mele and Mele Maat was approximately US$26,000, and was funded by a Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Grant that District 9910 successfully applied for in January 2025.

Cornelia Wylie, a dedicated Rotary member involved in the efforts, says the collective effort of the global Rotary community has not only provided vital infrastructure but also reinforced the spirit of determination and solidarity in times of crisis.

District Governor Jennifer Wong echoes this sentiment and emphasises that Rotary is committed to supporting Vanuatu’s long-term recovery.

“While the immediate crisis response has been remarkable, our work is far from over. By continuing to invest in water, sanitation and hygiene projects for schools and medical clinics, we are laying the foundation for a stronger, healthier future for Vanuatu,” says Jennifer.

“We are grateful for all the support from Rotary members across the world but in particular from across Rotary South Pacific.”

The Rotary South Pacific Regional Council commends the collaboration demonstrated by Rotary’s rapid response to the natural disaster in Vanuatu. For Rotary South Pacific Chair Dallas Booth AM, this kind of coordinated approach is the way forward.

“Collaboration and coordination are pivotal ingredients in Rotary South Pacific’s strategic outlook – we are fortunate to have such strong support for all Rotary regional entities across our very large geographical area,” says Dallas.

“Supporting each other’s strengths will define a resilient and future-proof Rotary South Pacific.”

MAIN PICTURE: The collective effort of the global Rotary community has not only provided vital infrastructure for Vanuatu but also reinforced the spirit of determination and solidarity in times of crisis.