Australian Rotary Health’s $55 million commitment to health

Since 1986, Australian Rotary Health (ARH) has dedicated over $55 million to improving the health and well-being of Australians through research, scholarships and health initiatives, playing a pivotal role in funding innovative health research, particularly in mental health, child development and Indigenous health.

ARH’s first major research project into Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) was approved in 1986, with $300,000 being invested. Spanning more than 18 years, this investigation was directed by Professor Terry Dwyer of the University of Tasmania and uncovered that a baby’s sleeping position significantly influences the risk of Cot Death, which has since been reduced by 80 per cent worldwide.

ARH’s mission quickly expanded to encompass a broad range of health issues including elderly health, where between 1989 and 1995 more than $1.4 million was raised towards investigating the environmental health challenges of the elderly, focusing on depression, Alzheimer’s disease and comparisons of living at home versus in retirement villages.

From 1993 to 1996 the organisation pivoted to adolescent health, raising $1.5 million to address injury control, low birth weight and its impact on school achievement and behaviour.

Between 1996 and 1999 family health was investigated, and $1.4 million was committed to exploring rheumatic fever in Indigenous families, mental illness in mothers, and cancer care for families.

Since 2000, ARH has focused on mental health, particularly among Australian youth, as well as the prevention of mental disorders. In addition to funding research grants, PhD scholarships and fellowships, ARH has also hosted community forums and workshops.

ARH also supports ongoing research into critical health issues like cancer, heart disease, diabetes and motor neuron disease. Its commitment to rural health has been evident through funding for medical and nursing scholarships, which encourage students to serve in rural and remote areas of Australia. One of our most transformative initiatives has been the Indigenous Health Scholarship (IHS) program. Since 2003, this program has supported more than 300 Indigenous scholars, empowering them to pursue healthcare careers, positively impacting their communities. In 2023, ARH further expanded its commitment to Indigenous health with the launch of the First Nations Alumni program, a network that connects graduates and fosters community support.

MAIN PICTURE: Professor Anne-Louise Ponsonby and Professor Terry Dwyer.