Rotary club thriving in small South Island town

The Rotary Club of Wānaka, NZ, is one of 36,000 Rotary clubs worldwide and it has just hit a new milestone, recording a record membership after inducting four new members in March 2024.
“Our membership is now 71, with 60 active members and 11 honorary members,” Rotary Club of Wānaka President Marie Fitchett said. “It is an all-time high.”

Marie said the thriving membership is a result of the many initiatives the club is involved in.

“We believe that the things we do in our Wānaka community are appreciated. People see what we do or know a group or an individual who has benefitted from our support, or indeed know a Rotarian through their work networks, or family, or wider social networks,” she said.

A big part of the membership growth has been the addition of several new female members, with women now making up 33 per cent of the club’s membership.

“We are a mix of all our community, and we welcome enthusiastic locals to come see what we are about,” Marie said.

“We are a mix of all our community, and we welcome enthusiastic locals to come see what we are about.”

The Rotary Club of Wānaka has established several well-known community events, including annual fundraisers like the Rotary Club of Wānaka Duck Race, Book Sale, and Winter Cropping Competition.

In addition, the club provides volunteers to support local events from helping with ticketing to selling merchandise.

“Our fundraising activities mean we can make many monetary grants to a wide range of people in our community, and I think that is appreciated,” Marie said.

While joining a service club can be a daunting thought, the rewards are there.

“We know that it can be somewhat nerve-racking joining a new club so we do our best to break down any hesitation potential new members might have,” Marie said.

“When people join, they can expect to have a buddy to explain the processes and admin details as well as encourage them to join in whatever they want to work on, in a timeframe that fits with their personal and work life.

“The more hands we have the more we can achieve, but also the more we can share the workload so that everyone contributes and joins in at their own pace.”

If you are interested in joining the Rotary Club of Wānaka, contact Pat Heffernan on +64 21 569 890.

MAIN PICTURE: The Rotary Club of Wānaka recently inducted four new members: Merrin Dougherty, left, with Rotary Club of Wānaka President Marie Fitchett, and fellow new members Kelley Budd, Helen Tait, and Graeme Brown.