NFL Coach Vince Lombardi said it all when he told his football team – “once you learn to quit it becomes a habit”. Gold Coast youth organisation ESuarve is giving kids a reason not to quit.
By Anne Matthews
D9560 Passport Rotary Club
May 2023, the Rotary Club of Ormeau Pimpama, Qld, launched a fundraising campaign to purchase a bus for local organisation Everything Suarve Inc. (ESuarve).
The club raised $77,000 and handed over the Toyota 12-seater bus to ESuarve on February 20, 2024.
The purchase was made possible through the generosity of local businesses and individuals from the community. The bus will carry the names of the sponsor partners.

PICTURED: The Rotary Club of Ormeau Pimpama raised $77,000 to purchase a Toyota 12-seater bus for ESuarve.
ESuarve is a Gold Coast not-for-profit organisation established in 2020 by Joseph (Jo) Te Puni-Fromont. The organisation is described as a “beacon of hope for vulnerable youth, with an emphasis on mental health and wellbeing, life skills, education and outcomes”.
The handover of the bus attracted a large crowd of Rotarians, ESuarve staff, sponsors, local supporters and politicians.
State Opposition Leader and Member for Broadwater, David Crisafulli MP, gave a powerful speech on youth crime, saying that it is “ripping a hole” through the state. All present were impressed to then hear from Jo about the outstanding results ESuarve is having in turning around the lives of disengaged youth.
Jo established ESuarve following his own experiences and challenges in his youth. The organisation offers participation in a program that gives young people a way to learn in a safe environment. It also creates employment opportunities for those who complete the program.

PICTURED: ESuarve founder Joseph Te Puni-Fromont with a client.
The team works with youth who have no sense of direction or purpose. These kids are suffering from substance abuse issues, homelessness, or have become disengaged from education or estranged from their family and friends.
Since 2021, the program has helped more than 180 young people, had a 90.91 per cent success rate, and delivered 25,920 mental health hours. Of those participants, 31 were identified as being at a high risk of heading into juvenile detention. Only two have re-offended.
Jo says that ESuarve is not just an organisation, but a catalyst for positive change. They are committed to transforming the lives of vulnerable youth and offer innovative programs that go beyond traditional approaches.
He is an inspirational and determined leader, shaping a brighter future for those who need it most. His transformative approach blends construction expertise with a deep commitment to fostering mental resilience and personal development.
The program teaches participants how to deal with emotions and talk without fear of being judged. Young people learn how to relax, meditate, and control their breathing, and are even emerged in ice baths! It also teaches resume writing and conducts mock interviews.

PICTURED: ESuarve participants are involved in everything from ice baths, meditation and journalling to mock interviews and exposure to potential industries in which they may wish to work.
ESuarve has partnered with Tiny Mobile Homes and other potential industries, exposing young people to fields in which they may wish to work. Jo says he gives tough love, but gives everyone a second chance.
ESuarve has been nominated by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training as one of three finalists out of 800 organisations in the Community Initiative of the Year. The winner will be announced in July.
The Rotary Club of Ormeau Pimpama is continuing its work with ESuarve. Members are not only assisting this worthwhile local organisation, but are also playing a role in helping the troubled youth in their community.
MAIN PICTURE: ESuarve founder Joseph Te Puni-Fromont says he gives tough love, but gives everyone a second chance. (Photo: Glenn Hampson/NewsPix)