Community News Partnerships

By Kurt Aherne
Community News Reporter

If Rotary clubs are to attract new members, donors and sponsors, the good work they do needs to be understood in the wider community. From my perspective, as editor of a regional newspaper, I encourage all Rotary clubs in country and suburban locations to report to the local paper regularly. We need stories and you need promotion for your activities. Win win!

The Circular Head Chronicle is proud to partner with the Rotary Club of Smithton, Tas, and provide up to date information regarding the important causes they support and the meaningful impact their service has.

In rural or regional areas, community connectivity is paramount. It is the newsroom’s responsibility to share the positive impact that individuals, business and organisations have on the local community.

Some of our readers do not have access to the internet, therefore print media may be their only weekly source of information.

I recently read that ‘Rotary is a membership organisation that unites people from all continents and cultures who take action to deliver real, long-term solutions to pressing issues facing our communities and the world’.

I speak on behalf of the Circular Head community in saying that our local Rotary club embodies that statement by providing benefit to those in need at times when they need it most.

Their unwavering commitment allows us to enjoy events such as the Devil Country Muster, Smithton Christmas Parade, book fairs, and participation in the recent Windeward Bound Youth Leadership Challenge, as well as their commitment to education by gifting each pre-kindergarten student in Circular Head with a book prior to starting school to improve their literacy, and the presentation of the Rotary Club of Smithton Education Scholarship, awarded to a Year 12 leaver looking to further their studies away from home.

These investments nurture a positive community environment and allow people to achieve their dreams and goals.

With so much negativity being spread across the globe, Rotary’s sharing of uplifting and positive stories provides great fulfilment and continues to be of significant public interest.

MAIN PICTURE: Rotary Club of Smithton members Wendy Gray, left, President Brett Dawes, Circular Head Chronicle Editor Kurt Aherne, and PDG Gerard Blizzard.