
SeeBeyondBorders is an education Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) operating in Cambodia. Its mission is to improve learning for children by focusing on training teachers and on systemic change. The project is funded by the Rotary Clubs of Springvale City, Box Hill-Burwood and Waverley. The Interact clubs at Kingswood College and the Presbyterian Ladies College Melbourne also support the program.

The main priority of SeeBeyondBorders is to create positive, systemic, and sustainable change in Cambodia. Through the Educational Changemaker Project they are not just helping one or two communities, but working to change the system, so that quality education will become available to all. The hope is that one day the assistance of SeeBeyondBorders in its current form will no longer be needed. The Educational Changemaker Project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program.

PICTURED: SeeBeyondBorders Teaching Development Officer Dyna demonstrating ‘Modelled Writing’ to a group of Grade 3 teachers.

In April 2023, the three Rotary clubs had a meeting with the Changemaker participants at SeeBeyondBorders in Battambang, Cambodia. The 10 women who attended were from various provinces – Kampong Cham, Svay Rieng, Pursat, Siem Reap and Battambang.

In August, SeeBeyondBorders Australia Chief Executive, Sally Miles, attended the Rotary Club of Box Hill-Burwood’s meeting and gave an update on the Changemaker program. Sally has a Master of Social Change and Development degree and a love of Cambodia, having worked as a tour guide in the region 20 years ago. Seda Douglas also told her story as a survivor of the Khmer Rouge and her work in Cambodia supporting education through Save Cambodian Children Fund Australia.

MAIN PICTURE: Student testing took place across 17 schools in October, conducting assessments with over 2,500 students from Grades 1-3. The results will be used to compare with both control schools and assessment results collected at the beginning of the school year, to show the impact SeeBeyondBorders’ projects have on student academic performance.