The Girl Project

Supported by the Rotary Club of Sandringham, The Girl Project is a unique program created by the Australian charitable organisation BeyondWater Global. Women in Kibera, Nairobi, have little or no access to sanitation products, which means that for one week out of four girls stay at home rather than go to school.

BeyondWater Global created The Girl Project to keep girls in school by giving them sanitary products, as well as simple items such as soap, underwear and even toothpaste and a toothbrush. More than that though, they give them leadership development, career counselling and mentoring skills. This is done through monthly meetings led by local women leaders, who inspire the girls to achieve their scholastic and employment goals.

It costs $80 per girl per year to sponsor a student through The Girl Project. You can partner with BeyondWater Global by sponsoring a student into one of the programs across Kenya and Uganda. The Rotary Club of Sandringham is helping 14 girls in Kibera pursue uninterrupted schooling by providing them with sanitary products.