A Safe Space for Children to Play

With the aid of a district grant and a community-minded business, the Rotary Club of Cairns Trinity, Qld, has helped provide a safe play area at the Cairns Toy Library.

By Merewyn Wright
District Public Image Chair
Rotary Club of Airlie
Beach, Qld

hen the Cairns Toy Library moved to a new location in 2021, much work needed to be done to both the buildings and grounds to ensure a safe environment for the young users. Not least on the list was the need to fence the property to provide children with a safe and secure yard to play in and an area that could be used for functions. This is where the Rotary Club of Cairns Trinity stepped in, successfully applying for a Rotary Foundation district grant of $2,160.

As the extent of the task became clearer, it was apparent that the cost and labour required was going to be substantially more than was originally anticipated.

“I was able to seek assistance from Hansen Yuncken Builders, who were prepared to install the fence free of charge,” said club Secretary/Treasurer Tim Bentley. “In addition, they provided new concrete pathways at the front and rear door to allow for safe transition from the building into the outdoor areas. This was over $10,000 in value.

“As the yard required further attention, we decided to redirect our club’s efforts to the landscaping, turfing and topsoil. Additionally, as the Toy Library had funding to install solar panels to supplement their power consumption, we elected to assist them further by upgrading the electrical switchboard.”
The club also arranged signage for the fence to acknowledge their part in the project as well as that of the builder involved.

The total project value was in the order of $15,000, with $2,160 coming from the district grant, a club contribution of $2,335 and approximately $10,000 donated by Hansen Yuncken.

The Cairns Toy Library primarily serves as a resource for families and children in the community, providing access to a wide range of toys, games and educational materials. The primary focus of the library is to promote play and early childhood development, and the power of the connections facilitated by the Rotary Club of Cairns Trinity has added great value to this important community asset.

MAIN PICTURE: Dave Hayden from Hansen Yuncken Builders, second from right, with Rotary Club of Cairns Trinity members Sandy McEachan, John O’Brien, Michael MacKellar, Peter Agar and Tim Bentley with the completed fence and signage at Cairns Toy Library.