Changing Lives in Cambodia

A Rotary team of 17 clubs from 11 districts are changing lives in Cambodia by building washroom toilets for approximately 350 families across two villages, with the support of The Rotary Foundation.

A washroom toilet provides a toilet for the whole family, but equally or more importantly, provides a dignified and safe space for women to bathe themselves and their children.

The design used is of an above ground toilet built on a brick and concrete base, with the below ground structure consisting of two tanks – the first is a processing tank with a solid concrete bottom that relies on bacteria to breakdown waste, and the second tank accepts clean water from the first and returns that water to the aquifer. The shelter is a timber construction with sheet steel cladding and a steel-framed door that can be locked from the inside.

The life-changing impact is significant, and the benefits cycle ensures less contaminated water, which leads to less illnesses and more time at school or work.

While the physical health benefits are observable, the improvement in mental wellbeing is also important. For example, being able to go to the toilet at night knowing it is a safe and secure space with minimal risks of assault is significant.

As a further benefit to these communities, a small number of villagers are being trained to build the washroom toilets, rather than engaging commercial contractors. These villagers will be paid a rate for each washroom toilet that is completed to standard, generating income to buy food, medicine and meet other family needs.

A gender equity advisor will be engaged to meet monthly with the women in each village to obtain their feedback on the rollout of the project and discuss if they feel safer within a washroom toilet. This feedback will inform the continuation of the project implementation.

Clubs from Districts 9800, 9790, 9685, 9640, 5500, 5030, 3360, 3350, 3340, 3461 and 1160 have all been involved in the project.

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