Mock Job Interview Program

The Mock Job Interview Program is an initiative of the Rotary Club of Richmond. The project, organised in partnership with Melbourne Girls’ College, has been running for around 20 years. The object is to prepare students for successful careers by teaching them how to secure a job interview and how to perform during the interview.

Rotarian Nia Holdenson, who’s an ex-teacher from Melbourne Girls’ College, has coordinated the program with the school’s career staff for the past five years.

“The girls come away saying that the interview is a very positive experience rather than one to be feared,” Nia said. “You can see an immediate difference in them because they’ve enjoyed it so much.”

Nia also recruits a panel of Rotarians and community members to evaluate the job applications and conduct the interviews.

As there are only places for 84 of around 230 students, they choose students who are more in need; those who might have low
self-confidence or lesser English skills.

“Participants are always provided lots of positive and constructive feedback and encouraged to be professional in their approach,” Nia said.

Students select one of 18 simulated job advertisements based on the seven job clusters – generators, artisans, carers, coordinators, designers, informers and technologists. Then the students experience the entire job seeking cycle.

They create and submit resumes and cover letters, then present to Rotarians in an interview.

Mock interviews are held in May, where students are assessed on their communication skills and ability to answer questions.

Bryan Goodwin from the Rotary Club of Altona City, who is a member of the D9800 Vocational Service Champions Group, updated the job descriptions this year to ensure STEM vocations were represented.

The program has been so successful that other Rotary clubs in Australia and internationally have conducted the Mock Job Interview Program. Anyone can access the program resources and District 9800 has developed a schools template to encourage more clubs to bring this extremely helpful project to their local communities.

For further Information contact Program Coordinator Nia Holdenson, of the Rotary Club of Richmond, via