After two previous cancellations, on Friday, November 11, Rotarians around Auckland took part in a Polio All Transit Day, which raises awareness for the End Polio Now campaign. This is the third year that Rotarians have flooded the Auckland city rail and ferry network with a sea of red End Polio Now shirts.
Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson and Acting Deputy Leader Brook van Valden sent the Rotarian riders off from the Britomart Station at 8am. As the day progressed, more riders joined in as their journey along the network continued. Camaraderie and networking with a purpose came together with contagious energy as the riders met old and new friends along the way.
Members of the public were intrigued and interested to learn more from the riders, and were often inspired to make a donation along the way!

“We are grateful to all who joined in the fun, with a special mention to the team of 10 who rode the trains for a full eight and a half hours,” said District 9920 Foundation Polio Chair PDG Jennie Herring.
“Special appreciation should also go to members of the Rotary Club of Waiheke Island, who met the ferry riders at the Matiatia terminal, took them for coffee and transported them to their next ferry, which left from Kennedy Point. Thanks also to members of the Rotary Club of Papakura, who generously fed and hydrated the 40-odd train riders at lunch.”
As part of this year’s journey, a plane had been planned to fly an End Polio Banner across the Auckland sky. Unfortunately, the weather on the day was so bad that quite a few of the ferries were cancelled and the plane was unable to fly. It was still raining two weeks later, but it is hoped the plane will fly the End Polio Now banner over Auckland CBD and surrounding area when conditions improve.
“An extra special thanks goes to our sponsor Tasreet Dhatt Century 21, which enabled us to cover the cost of the plane and banner, as well as the selfie frames, donation cards and the video that will be completed next year,” said Jennie.
“The Polio Transit Team as well as the Foundation Committees of both D9920 and D9910 thank Tasreet and Century 21 for their generous support.”