A powerful presentation to recognise women in Rotary

During the Zone 8 Conference Gala Dinner at Old Parliament House on October 29, a group of nine New Zealand women district governors (past, present and future) made a very special presentation to Rotary International Director Jessie Harman.

The presentation of two pounamu toki – one for Jessie and one for RI President Jennifer Jones – was made on behalf of the 31 women who will have undertaken the role of district governor in New Zealand and our Pacific countries between 2001 and 2025.
During the presentation, PDG Liz Courtney explained the significance of the gifts.

“It is important to acknowledge Jessie as the first woman RI director in our zone and in the same year to have Jennifer as the first woman president of Rotary International, and the pounamu toki are significant to our New Zealand and Pacific culture.

“A toki shape symbolises determination, strength, focus and honour. Wearing a pounamu pendant represents caring for people, shared emotions, empathy, confidence and reassurance. It is a symbol that connects our emotions and our heart.”

The pendants were carved by Sheree Warren, a Maori woman carver on the West Coast of New Zealand and both incorporate a woven pattern.

“The symbol of weaving represents the weaving of our history and our Rotary stories, cultures and people working together,” Liz explained.

“The presentation of two pounamu toki – one for Jessie and one for Rotary International President Jennifer Jones – was made on behalf of the 31 women.”

While one side of Jennifer’s toki was carved with the Imagine Rotary theme, Jessie’s was carved with a koru design, which means new beginnings, growth and regeneration.

“It is a fitting symbol indeed considering our zone is on a new journey and a pathway for the future,” Liz said.

“We thank you and Jennifer for your leadership and shining of light on Women in Rotary. The pounamus have been blessed, therefore wear it with pride and aroha (love) for Rotary and our people.”

As is tradition in presenting these gifts, the group sang ‘Tutira Mai’ as their accompanying waiata.

“We managed to keep this under wraps, so it was a complete surprise,” said PDG Elaine Mead, who initiated the idea. “Jessie was very touched, and everyone present supported the recognition with huge applause.”

“I feel very honoured to have received this special recognition, especially from such an accomplished group of women, all of them leaders in their own right,” Jessie said.

Jennifer will be presented with her pounamu when she is in the Pacific visiting the Rotary Give Every Child a Future project next year.

PICTURED: District 9940 Governor Marilyn Stevens, left, District 9920 Governor-elect Vineeta Nand, Past District 9910 Governor Elaine Mead, District 9910 Governor-nominee Jenn Wong, District 9999 Governor Jan Boustead, Past District 9920 Governors Ingrid Waugh and Jennie Herring, Past District 9970 Governor Liz Courtney, and District 9940 Governor-nominee Jocelyn Hogg presented Rotary International Director Jessie Harman (fifth from right) with a symbolic pounamu toki at the Zone 8 Conference Gala Dinner on October 29, on behalf of the 31 women who will have undertaken the role of district governor in New Zealand and our Pacific countries between 2001 and 2025.