Rotary on Steroids

See what all the hype is about at the Melbourne Rotary International Convention, May 27-31, 2023.

Discounted registration fees for the 2023 Melbourne RI Convention end on December 15, so book now so you don’t miss out! Visit

Have you ever had that “wow – this is amazing” feeling? That is the very sensation that people who attend RI Conventions experience – convention after convention. Once you’ve been to one Rotary International Convention, most Rotarians, Rotaractors, family members and their friends are hooked and looking forward to their next convention.

Melbourne will be the first year where the Rotaract pre-convention will be merged into the convention, so it offers even more for everyone!

A convention Down Under should be a no brainer, whether you live in Adelaide or Auckland, Wollongong or Wellington. Held in two world-class venues – The Rod Laver Arena for the plenary sessions and the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre for the other elements – an unforgettable experience awaits you.

Many Rotarians and Rotaractors have never been to a convention, so they don’t know what they are missing. A convention is nothing like a district conference – it puts the International into Rotary International, creating a unique, exciting and incredible vibe that you will not experience at a district conference nor anywhere else.

A convention is huge, with amazing speakers and fantastic entertainment. Big names like Justin Trudeau, Laura Bush and Bill Gates have all been guest speakers at previous conventions – each of them with significant things to say. But there are also other speakers who inspire, with stories of compassion and achievement. You may not have heard of some of these speakers – but you certainly won’t forget them.

There is a professional team of people who make sure that the stage sets, the audio visuals and the production values are superb, and the entertainment is outstanding.

At the 2014 Sydney Convention Human Nature entertained us and in Toronto Michael Cavanaugh was the main draw card, not to mention the Fab Four, who had them rocking in the aisles. If you don’t know who Michael is, google him. He does Billy Joel so brilliantly that Billy Joel selected him to star in the Broadway hit Movin’ Out.

The speakers and entertainment, as significant as they are, are only part of the attraction. There will be 85 breakout sessions, where Rotarians and Rotaractors can take a deep dive into their passions.

And the House of Friendship, which nearly everyone visits every day, has hundreds of booths offering information about Rotary/Rotaract projects, fellowships, action groups and Rotary resources. You can also explore Rotary-licensed vendors in the Rotary Marketplace to purchase convention themed items from polo shirts to lapel pins, plus many commercial booths offering a range of relevant goods and souvenirs.

There is more! Throughout the day there will be entertainment and performances as well as opportunities for refreshments or even just to sit a while and catch up with old or new friends from around the world.

And that’s not all by any means. There are signature events, social events, sailing ships, sporting attractions and, if you are quick, there are still host hospitality opportunities available. If you are not from Melbourne, there is also a range of curated sight-seeing and tourist attractions available through the Host Organising Committee website (

A convention Down Under does not happen often – the first being Sydney in 1971, then Melbourne in 1993, followed by Brisbane 10 years later, then Sydney again in 2014. Make sure you do not miss Melbourne in 2023!

Experience Rotary like you never have before – it’s Rotary on Steroids. Ticket prices increase on December 15, so make sure you book now – you won’t regret it.