Early bird tickets are now available for all Rotaractors and Rotarians in Australia, New Zealand and across the Pacific to attend the Zone 8 Better Together Conference in Canberra, ACT, from October 28-30.
The conference is set to be the first in-person zone event since the COVID-19 pandemic and is shaping up to be a celebration of all the best our Rotary family has to offer.
Conference co-chairs John McKenzie and Andrew Giumelli say as preparations continue there will be something for everyone to get excited about when visiting Australia’s capital city.
“The conference team has been working behind the scenes for months and I am so pleased to finally be able to share some of the great things people can look forward to,” John said.
“We are really thrilled to have locked in a spectacular conference venue at the National Convention Centre Canberra as well as the Saturday night dinner at Old Parliament House. We also have some incredible speakers who are sure to appeal to the wide range of interests of both Rotaractors and Rotarians alike.”

Former Army Major Alex Rubin was deployed as part of the Australian contingent to rescue the Wild Boar soccer team in Thailand and will headline the conference. Major Rubin was also involved in the Northern NSW flood recovery effort and will no doubt captivate the audience.
Another keynote speaker will be New Zealander Suran Dickson, founder of Diversity Role Models, a charity that tackles gender and sexuality related bullying by encouraging empathy and critical thinking in young people.
In addition to tickets going on sale, booth registrations have also opened for the Rotary Showcase and the conference team are also taking expressions of interest in hosting a breakout session over the weekend.
“It is all systems go for us at the moment,” Andrew said. “Obviously COVID-19 is still in the community, but people can feel really confident the organising committee is doing everything we can to ensure everyone has a fantastic time in Canberra.
“Conference attendees will also have the chance to rub shoulders with Rotary International President Elect Gordon McInally, who will be flying in from Scotland to join us.”
Governor Elect and Governor Nominee Training will take place immediately ahead of the conference from October 25-27, also at the National Convention Centre Canberra.
To purchase tickets, register for a Showcase booth, complete a breakout session expression of interest form or find out more about Canberra, head to conference.rotaryzone8.org today!