The Burindi Campdraft has been operating for 27 years and is the major fundraising project of the Rotary Club of Barraba; a small, dedicated club in the New England region of Northern New South Wales. It is the hometown of INXS founding band member and singer/songwriter Andrew Farriss, and country singer and harpsichord maker Bill Bright.
“Dedicated club president Mike Simpson has put out a plea for new members to ensure this special event continues. So, if you live nearby, please head along to a meeting and see how volunteering not only helps communities but enhances your own health and happiness.”
Campdrafting is a unique Australian sport that involves a horse rider cutting out a steer or heifer from a ‘camp’ (corral or yard). The rider brings the animal to the front of the camp and blocks and turns it at least two or three times to prove to the judge that they have the animal under control. The rider then calls for the gates to be opened and proceeds to draft (work) the animal around a figure eight course in a larger arena.
Until COVID-19, the campdraft was held twice yearly at Burindi Station. Initially, all event management, entries, catering, the bar, ring and yards’ preparation were organised by the club. The property owners provided the stock and the location and over 200 entries from all over New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria were received.

Now, a committee that includes Burindi Station owners Richard and Ruth Puddicomb, organises and operates the event and it continues to be a highlight for Barraba.
This year, the Campdraft will be held on May 21, 2022. Due to the drought and hardships of life in rural areas, the population of Barraba has dwindled to around 1,400. Membership of the Rotary club is down to seven members. Dedicated club president Mike Simpson has put out a plea for new members to ensure this special event continues.
So, if you live nearby, please head along to a meeting and see how volunteering not only helps communities but enhances your own health and happiness.