Farm to plate in Cobar

t’s as pretty as a picture; native grass up to the knees soft enough to roll in, and green as far as the eye can see. After four years of drought, it’s a welcome relief for farmers Ann and John Crossing, who own Glenace, a farm located 58km from Cobar in western New South Wales.

The earth tanks are full of water, the landscape is regenerating and the birdlife is returning, when only a few months ago the land was dry and brown. The 9000-acre property includes 2000-acres dedicated to open grazing of lamb and cattle, and the rest is natural bushland.

Ann and John own Nourish and Grow – Natural Lamb, a business dedicated to animal welfare and soil regeneration, where quality over quantity forms the philosophy of their practice. Proudly, it’s the first in the region to introduce paddock to plate. And their lamb has quickly earned a reputation for being some of the best tasting meat in the business. Tender and sweet, it has everything to do with their philosophy.