In these times of lock down and self-isolation, Rotaractors from around the world have found a way to stay connected and engaged via a virtual meeting that’s running 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The World of Rotaract Bar is constantly open via online platform Zoom and provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded people.
“The concept behind it is that it’s an extremely trying time for all of us at the moment. All over the world, we’re in situations that we aren’t familiar with. With all our in-person events cancelled, this meeting provides a safe place to have a conversation and connect,” said Rotaractor Becky Giblin, who is based in New Zealand.
The virtual meeting was established in early March, just as many countries were entering lock down as part of their precautions against the spread of COVID-19. Since then, attendance has grown, with around 50 regular attendees in the meeting place each day and 30 countries having been represented. While attendees engage in general conversation, events are also held within the meeting place.