The Rainforest of the Austrians Costa Rica

The Rainforest was nurtured by Michael Schnitzler a famous musician and conductor, who is also a conservationist. His efforts have helped to raise $4 million to turn land which was used for logging and grazing back into rainforest. The Esquinas lodge is part of this development and harbours a large variety of wildlife.

I have had a very productive conversation with Michael, who is looking to buy 187 more hectares to continue reforestation. The aim of this reforestation, is to support more plant and animal diversity, improving migration pathways, preventing genetic isolation and possible decline in numbers.Of course more CO 2 is locked up from the air as a result. Any funds raised will go to this.

I have set up a presentation with excellent photos from a colleague and video, which I managed to take. Friends were very impressed. You can help and I will deliver the presentation, with all funds going to “The Rainforest of the Austrians? The larger the audience the greater the funds generated.
