The Provisional Rotary Club of Global Music in District 9780 is the innovative brainchild of District Governors Lesley Shedden (D9780) and Stephen O’Connell (D9790).
The aim of this emerging Rotary force is to ‘harness the power of music to do good in the world’.
Some of the club’s initial goals and project ideas include:
- Using music to inspire members to achieve great things in the service of others.
- Raising funds to assist musical endeavours around the world.
- Using music to raise funds to support Rotary’s seven areas of focus
- Using music in local communities to assist those affected by mental health issues, anxiety, dementia, communication challenges, trauma, or domestic and family violence
- Focussing on the aged and/or on youth
“The aim of this emerging Rotary force is to ‘harness the power of music to do good in the world’.”
Information sessions were first held in 2023, canvassing the idea of forming a Rotary club focussed on music. These sessions generated much interest from people around Australia, New Zealand and the rest of the world, both Rotarians and non-Rotarians.
The club is continuing to build its membership, develop its operating model and decide on its projects.
If you love music (you don’t have to be a musician) and would like to help make the world sing with harmony and compassion supported by the power of Rotary, please contact Rosanne Kava via