What makes up the club experience?

Recent Rotary research confirms that the club experience is what matters most to our members.

When clubs offer an experience based on their members’ ideas, interests and input, members are happier, stay longer and get more involved. It also helps attract new members.

Everyone plays a part in making sure members have a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. We can do this by making sure our members and prospective members:

  • Feel welcomed and included
  • Are given opportunities for personal growth and leadership development
  • Make meaningful connections
  • Are contributing to service.

Looking after members by showing them comfort and care should be the priority. Knowing the needs of your members and making changes in your club to address those needs creates a more positive environment for all.

Use the helpful infographic opposite to learn about the five main elements that make up a positive club experience, now available in English, French and other Rotary languages.

Rotary International offers other resources to help you better connect with your members, including:

  • Member interest survey: Use this survey to learn more about your new and prospective members and their preferences so you can meet their expectations early on.
  • Member satisfaction survey: Distribute this survey regularly to all members in your club and respond to their feedback to empower them to shape the club experience.
  • Exit survey: Understanding why members leave gives your club the opportunity to address any issues that are causing members to resign.
Go to www.rotary.org/membership to look for these and other useful membership resources